Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saving on Herbs and Spices

My husband enjoys trying new recipes. Those recipes usually have a list of herbs and spices that (1) we don't have, (2) will cost a fortune, and (3) can't be substituted with another item. So that leaves me, the grocery shopper, in a bind when it comes to keeping a budget. One fateful day, however, I was walking the aisles of Bi-Lo looking for something and spotted an herb and spice section that was not in its usual place. Nor was it full of those tell-tale red labels (ahem, McCormick) and outlandish price tags. I was looking at so-called "international" herbs and spices:

(Can you believe it?! The pumpkin bread I made with these very spices tasted just as good as any other I've had!)

At full price, these bottles were cheaper than any sale I've seen. Probably because when McCormick items go on sale, it's usually only vanilla extract and food coloring. And when there is that occasional coupon...well, a coupon for $.75 off of 2 is laughable. Plus, what are the chances of you finding just the herb you need on sale when your husband decides to cook? So next time you are looking to spice up your life, keep these tips in mind:

  • look in the international foods section of your grocery store (the ones shown above were on the Hispanic aisle at Bi-Lo)
  • get your basics from Aldi for a little over $1 each (garlic powder/salt, onion powder/salt, paprika, chile powder, etc.)
  • look for the store brand (Great Value at Walmart has a decent selection)
If you really want to go extreme, buy a strawberry pot and plant the herbs you use most often! My husband is growing herbs I had never used before, but it encouraged me to get creative in the kitchen! I've had very few disasters, by the way, and have discovered several "keeper" recipes.

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