Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Give Yourself a Break

So it's been months since I've posted anything here. Sorry about that. I've taken a break from most everything due to uncontrollable circumstances. Well, I should say uncontrollable hormones. We are expecting baby #2 in February! Thanks to constant morning sickness, all I managed to accomplish each day was feeding our daughter and keeping her safe. Occasionally I would do a few dishes and laundry, fix something to eat, or go buy necessary items. But even that was a struggle.

Now I'm moving into a level of nausea that is much more tolerable. I'm starting to coupon, cook, crochet, and all those other things I've neglected. Like blogging. I wanted to share with others that it's okay to take a break once in a while. The months before I got pregnant I stocked up on as many essentials as our closets could hold. We wanted to have another baby, and I remembered how sick I was the first time. Plus, some things you know you are eventually going to need, no matter what. Do you know that after three months, we are still working through our paper towel and toilet paper supply? That was one less thing for me to worry about during those intimate toilet-hugging moments.

All this to say that, when life happens, give yourself a break. Cut back your schedule and be okay with it. Those coupon deals will eventually find their way back around. There will be another playdate to join. And you'll seamlessly pick back up where you left off with those (true) friends you haven't seen in a while.

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